FCC Wants 100Mbps US Broadband Download Speeds As A Minimum datacenterdynamics.com
UK telcos prepare to turn off 3G to boost energy efficiency lightreading.com
T-Mobile rolls out ultrafast 5G capable of 3.3Gbps, first in a few US markets for Samsung Galaxy S23 users only, then nationwide in the coming weeks theverge.com
AT&T CEO Notes Lead-Clad Cables in Power Grid, Railways: We ve Always Done the Right Thing telecompetitor.com
Verizon pitches free ‘NFL Sunday Ticket’ to some new subs and upgraders lightreading.com
MobileX marks the spot where it aims to change the MVNO game fiercewireless.com
Dish partners with Amazon to sell a Boost Infinite postpaid wireless plan with unlimited talk, text, and data services at $25/month for Amazon Prime subscribers reuters.com
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